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Welcome to the Dextroverse IRC's brand new website!!
Site navigation is possible through the links on the left.

For bans, please visit our Pillory page.
If you have any suggestions, questions, or requests, please go to our Contact page. Alternatively, if you are currently connected to the server, you may query an administrator.

We have recently set up a new bot for our main channels: rb. To use it, prefix your commands with "rb: ", it has a lot of new functionalities; games, seen, weather, karma, basically everything IUPAC and LD50 had, plus some more fun stuff.
If you need help using it, you can type, either in pm to it or in any channel the bot is in: rb: help

The program we use for it is called rbot, and can be found at rbot.

Last updated February 20th 2012