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A Psychotherapeutic Screensaver and desktop enhancer

Milkdrop 2

A visual plugin for the popular media player 'winamp'.

Once you get it installed, press Ctrl+P to bring up the preferences. Choose visualizations under plugins. Select milkdrop2 and then configure. Choose your best settings. Then choose your favorite tune and enjoy!

This plugin nows comes with all new versions of Winamp,MediaMonkey& XBMC

Screenshots here

Electric Sheep

Electric Sheep is an open source screen saver founded by Scott Draves. It's run by thousands of people all over the world, and can be installed on any ordinary PC or Mac. When these computers "sleep", the screen saver comes on and the computers communicate with each other by the internet to share the work of creating morphing abstract animations known as "sheep". The result is a collective "android dream", an homage to Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

Get Electric Sheep here:

Youtube Sample:

Psychedelic Screensaver

The Psychedelic Screen Saver is a light synthesizer that generates an astounding variety of mesmerizing patterns.

Get the screensaver here:

See screenshots:

Brainwave Generator

BrainWave Generator generates binaural beats that change your brain frequency towards the desired state, be it relaxation or enhanced attention. "

SBaGen is a similar program but is free, & runs on multiple OS's. It is a command line program but with the documentation isn't too hard to get the hang of.

IDoser is a money sinkhole. Do not use it.


It is a free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions.

Celestia runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Get it here:

Color Changing LED Lights

Ambient lighting for a psychedelic atmosphere

Many stores carry extremely dim LED bulbs, some of which have a color changing option. These are good if you want very low level colored light for your psychedelic experience. Otherwise go for something more like this which gives a more powerful spotlighted color. Plus it comes with a remote so you can change color without ever getting up.

Slightly cheaper options can be found on eBay

Contributors: void, Mashiara
Created by void, 08-13-2009 at 10:07 PM
Last edited by Mashiara, 01-12-2010 at 11:08 PM
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