The Dextroverse

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Default Graphical Web Chat How To
The dextroverse runs its own IRC server for users to chat with each other in real time. IRC requires the user to connect via a special program called an IRC client. There are many different IRC clients for all operating systems available. To make things even easier, with the new forum software, we setup a web based IRC client that you can access from the navbar:

Once you click, youll probably be prompted by your web browser with a message like this:

Click run.

*** Why does the application's digital signature have an error?
The web client is a java applet based on pjirc specifically to work with vbulletin. We suppose its based on an old build of pjirc since the signature is expired, but was signed by a trusted source. If this bothers you, we don't recommend running the web based chat client.

It may take a few seconds to load up.

Once its loaded, you'll be droped into the web client portal. This is like the waiting room for web client users and not the main channel. From here, you'll need to first register your IRC name to enter the main chat channel. IRC and the forums aren't really aware of each other and use different databses for names which is why each user must register a name on IRC, just like creating your forum account. Unlike the forums, the web based IRC client doesn't have a way to remember your password between sessions, so you have to identify for your name each time you connect.

So first we need to register our name. As shown in this picture, type /nickserv register password
where password is the password you want for your name.

If it worked, NickServ will remind you of your password. Write it down, you'll need it each time you want to chat.

Now you are ready to join the main chat channel.

To join the main chat, type /join #dextroverse
You'll then see:

You only register your name once, the first time you connect.

Each time after, instead of /nickserv register, you must instead identify for your name with your password like this:

/nickserv identify password
where password is the password you used to register your name.

Once you are identified, you are able to join the main chat channel with the join command just like before:
/join #dextroverse

Contributors: Thrift Nine, youph, mono
Created by Thrift Nine, 08-10-2009 at 11:03 PM
Last edited by youph, 08-04-2010 at 04:40 PM
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