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PeoplesMind Offline
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Default 07-20-2003, 07:44 PM

"A lab in North Kingstown is working with doctors to diagnose abuse of over-the-counter drugs such as Coricidin and their findings are startling."

"Dominion Diagnostics in North Kingstown said it runs 30,000 tests each day, most of them on urine samples, looking for abuse of drugs like DXM. 'We see the move away from the illegal drugs to prescription medications and over the counter' said Dr. Frank Fornari, CEO of Dominion Diagnostics. 'So for instance, a couple of years ago, probably 30 percent of the positive drug test that we had in here were OTC prescriptions, now it's over 50 percent,' said Fornari. "

"'We pick up dextromethorphan which is a highly-abused drug right now in our adolescent population,' said Dr. Gwen Bauer, president of Dominion Diagnostics. But it's not the only one, she said. "'Right now, the major over-the-counter drugs are an overuse of benedryl which is dyphenhydramine, somonex, which is doxiclymine, sudafedrene which is over-the-counter medications and dextromethorphan,' said Bauer."

"If you suspect your child is abusing an over-the-counter medication, talk to your doctor about ordering a urine test."


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Masonna Offline
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Default 08-20-2003, 04:14 PM

sominex has diphenhydramine in it too the same as benedryl cant even find any drug called doxiclymine unless its misspelled just goes to show how accurate news sources are

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