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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 01-12-2004, 11:45 PM

My reply to her. She certainly seems sincere. And, if she wants to get the word out about this as she says, my websites would be ideal. I gave contact information, and hopefully she'll provide verifiable details. Since she says this kid is facing trial for this death in court, *that* is gonna be public record.
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Drake Dracoli
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Default 01-13-2004, 04:32 PM

No offense to the lady, but...

This drug has left a 39 year old widow and three fatherless childrens....And people say it is not dangerous!!!
I could argue the same thing in an attempt to ban all automobiles, guns, knives, or whatever because a relative of mine was killed by one. Not that I have anything against her. I think corocidin is garbage, but I'm just pointing this out.
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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 01-13-2004, 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Drake Dracoli@Jan 13 2004, 04:32 PM
No offense to the lady, but...

This drug has left a 39 year old widow and three fatherless childrens....And people say it is not dangerous!!!
I could argue the same thing in an attempt to ban all automobiles, guns, knives, or whatever because a relative of mine was killed by one. Not that I have anything against her. I think corocidin is garbage, but I'm just pointing this out.
What she should have stated to be correct "An irresponsible user of this drug has left a 39 year old widow and three fatherless childrens...." Think here about the attitude of MADD about drinking. They could not care less if people get shit faced drunk to their heart's content, so long as they don't get behind the wheel of a car.
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paladinluvcotton Offline
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Default 01-13-2004, 06:46 PM

ive only done it a couple of times but driving around under the influence is pretty fun, probaly cause i dont have a license so that jsut adds to the excitement, not sure which is better, driving drunk or dexed up
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Scofflaw Offline
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Default 01-13-2004, 07:17 PM

wow, unlicensed and intoxicated...what a role model

<span style=\'color:blue\'><span style=\'font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\'>"I feel like math made out of teeth"</span></span>
imagine a mobius strip made entirely out of very large teeth; it's spinning towards you in an endless spiral. As you collide, you begin to run along the strip like a treadmill and evey step you take produces the notes of a piano from the teeth. The sounds shake the strip and the teeth all fall like slats of a bridge with its ropes burned away, and you are left in silence as the sounds of water falling on the other side of the wall return. how could you have only one side?
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Default 01-13-2004, 07:38 PM

drivin Drunk iz better bcuz when u hit the curbs u dun get parinoid like u do on dexx so u can jus laugh an is fun as shit exept when u git pulled over cuz then sumtimes cops kno ur fucked up an bust u

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shamrock Offline
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Default 01-13-2004, 11:33 PM

i dont think that this person would be what id call 'familiar' with dxm, cos if he was he would have known not to drive on it. <end>


--Take all these strings They call my veins, Wrap them around Every fucking thing

Presence of people Not for me, Well I must remain in tune
Forever, My love is music... I will marry melody

I wanna bleed, Show the world all that I have inside, I wanna scream... Let the blood flow that keeps me alive--

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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 01-13-2004, 11:45 PM

Originally posted by shamrock@Jan 13 2004, 11:33 PM
i dont think that this person would be what id call 'familiar' with dxm, cos if he was he would have known not to drive on it. <end>
Amen. The term for this is "Death Wish".
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DiarYofaMadmaN Offline
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Default 01-14-2004, 12:39 AM

Originally posted by d8ff752@Jan 13 2004, 07:38 PM
drivin Drunk iz better bcuz when u hit the curbs u dun get parinoid like u do on dexx so u can jus laugh an is fun as shit exept when u git pulled over cuz then sumtimes cops kno ur fucked up an bust u


Noxious, sully dolour
Is not the sentiment upon which we feed
But precocious consciousness
Draws out a morbid nous to bleed
Chiselling out seething words
Which cut deep down to the bone
Always legible
So be it on our own headstone...
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C20H25N3O Offline
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Default 01-14-2004, 01:43 AM

Yeah, I saw this on the ABC boards. I saw a few people over there. Anyway, that lady is crazy for balming a drug, and I suppose that insane logic is understandable in such situations. But still, I disagree with a lot of her points. But still feel for her loss type of deal.

Nevertheless, it is those type of people that give drug use in general a bad name. Because a coricidin user is obviously stupid enough to either not know the risks, or even better yet, they knew and still used, and it is this type of stupidy that bothers me to a certin extent.

Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. -- Common Sense -- Tom Paine

"I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry." -- Steven King
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