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Default 01-26-2008, 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by litterbox
just this april an iranian cleric said earthquakes were caused by slutty women and edgy haircuts

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Default 01-26-2008, 09:22 AM


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dalecooper Offline
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Default 01-26-2008, 11:33 AM

obviously very horrible...

isn't it always interesting tho how many little flaws people familiar with a subject, in this case, DXM, can pick out in a journalists lazy writing about that subject "dxm, as addicts on the street call it" was what I found most agregious.

This is why I'm glad I'm no longer a journalist. The problem is, they're so proud of their insipid regurgitations of whatever their sources, in this case obviously the police, tell them.

sig removing ftw
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Default 01-26-2008, 01:57 PM

Why don't fathers ever get custody?

You probably all heard that I was fired as Supervale of the Sunny Parksle Park... it's not true... I quit... you wanna know why... you wanna know why... because I don't give a shit... I really don't Julian... this place is a dump... you have my permission to do whatever you want, anytime, anyplace, and you don't have to listen to Pilsbandy Dough Boy or Team Sexy..
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Default 01-26-2008, 02:36 PM

reverse sexisim

Its a real thing but im not gonna bitch about it

<span style=\'font-size:9pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'font-family:Geneva\'><span style=\'color:red\'> your an odd one cube, and thats saying somin, being considered odd within the DV -Roboking</span></span></span>
<span style=\'color:green\'>Yea im a myspace whore now</span>
<span style=\'colorurple\'>Companion Cube, without even meaning to, you've helped me through some bad trips. I'll be having a bad trip and then I'll look at the compooter and say, "Oh goodness! A Companion Cube!" and I feel all better and it keeps me sane.
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Dex Lobster Offline
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Default 01-26-2008, 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Companion Cube@Jan 26 2008, 12:36 PM
reverse sexisim

Its a real thing but im not gonna bitch about it
its what happened to me at an earlier age, and i developed a severely bad relationship with my mother because of it.

my dad and grandfather both have bipolar 2 with 'manic rage' and borderline personality disorder. i was often abused during childhood because of it. my theory is that they assign guilt to their children for their shitty lives and take it out on them during a manic period, which can last as long as 2 weeks (at least thats how long my father would be on manic/depressive cycles). at least from the experience i've had, they are definitely the culprit in this case.

third, stop calling every dexer an addict.

<span style=\'color:red\'>The forces that affect our lives,
the influences that mold and shape us,
are often like whispers in a distant room,
teasingly indistinct,
apprehended only with difficulty.

<span style=\'color:black\'>ADD ME ON MYSPACE
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Max Headroom Offline
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Default 01-26-2008, 11:59 PM

Hmm saw the word "honour" thinking WTF? But thats the UK for you. Churching it up :P...

This is truely messed up... The sentence was NOT enough. She knew what she was doing..

The cat came back the very next day, he just couldn't stay away.
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Default 01-27-2008, 12:12 AM

Yeah talk about disturbing. Sheesh.

First of can have intense full blown OEVs and hallucinations if you are bingeing, as someone mentioned before. I've experienced complete psychotic breaks and freaky ass hallucinations when I've taken large amounts of DXM for 3 or 4 nights in a row.

However I could never...ever...imagine doing something like that. Even when I've been at my worst freaking out...I was still aware of what I was doing.

Borderline Personality Disorder is serious business. I would know. But I still can't imagine what it would take for me to, say...stab my dog, since I don't have a baby. And repeatedly? She was obviously out of her effing mind at the time.

Sad stuff.
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Default 01-27-2008, 12:36 AM

I guess the thing to bear in mind when reading about these sorts of tragedies is, (one) millions of people have dosed themselves with dxm and this is still an isolated incident, notorious precisely because of its rarity, and (two) the media has a vested interest in spreading these sorts of stories and little interest in printing objective accounts from multiple points of view. Someone claims they were high, that's good enough. Drugs caused it, drugs are evil, etc. We take these stories with a grain of salt but they are precisely the stories the straight audience wants to hear.

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Default 01-27-2008, 01:32 AM

Sorry for the mix up, I have never expirienced an OEV with DXM so I guess that wasn't my place to say. Only time I have an OEV's with an otc medication was with DPH. But the story says 2 bottles, according to several people here it would take high doses chronically to produce OEV's, so how the hell would two bottles do it?

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