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Default 11-12-2003, 06:33 PM

The article doesn't seem extensive. I am wondering if other substances were involved as well.
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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 11-12-2003, 07:07 PM

Originally posted by musiclover@Nov 12 2003, 06:33 PM
The article doesn't seem extensive. I am wondering if other substances were involved as well.
>The article doesn't seem extensive. I am wondering if other substances were involved as well.

This is a good question. Recently I obtained a coroner's report on what I thought was a DXM OD death. While the person was a known DXMer, the coroner's report indicated that the person only had levels of DXM in their blood consistent with a therapeutic dose. "Therapeutic" means typical if the recommended dose on the bottle was taken. Based on this, I decided not to list this death on my website. Put in a nutshell, while this was a drug OD death, it wasn't DXM that killed.

Only way to find out for sure is contacting the coroner. Problem is state laws on this vary wildly. In one case, over the phone with someone at a coroner's office they read to me what the official finding was a recreational death involving just DXM. That one I mention above they required me to snail mail them a request for the report to get it so they had an audit trail. They wouldn't even discuss it over the phone.

Thus, to find out if other substances were involved, contact the coroner. I've added that to my "to do" list.
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Default 11-12-2003, 07:14 PM

Originally posted by musiclover@Nov 12 2003, 06:33 PM
The article doesn't seem extensive. I am wondering if other substances were involved as well.
Exactly what I was thinking..

But damn..11-11.

That is one scary number.

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Default 11-12-2003, 08:06 PM

You also can't rule out the idea that if a DXM user was going to make a suicide attempt, ingesting a few more grams of powder than usual might seem like the way he/she would want to go.

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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 11-13-2003, 11:46 AM

>You also can't rule out the idea that if a DXM user was going to make a suicide attempt, ingesting a few more grams of powder than usual might seem like the way he/she would want to go.

Or vice-versa:

Note the part about Summer Pray. This describes her as a depressed DXM abuser who committed suicide with it. However, did she leave a note, or did they just surmise that she knew proper doses and decided to commit suicide? The usual assumption when a drug abuser dies of a drug OD is that it is recreational. However, given that many suicides don't leave notes, often the truth is unknowable.
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Default 11-13-2003, 02:00 PM

RFG, if you dont tell a joke, I am going to cry.


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Default 11-19-2003, 08:06 AM

I would like to see further evidence regarding this death. I know from experience that coroners are sometimes stupid fucks.

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rfgdxm Offline
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Default 11-19-2003, 08:51 PM

>I would like to see further evidence regarding this death. I know from experience that coroners are sometimes stupid fucks.

I may try to see if I can get more on this from the coroner. The problem is that this report is quoting the coroner as saying this is a DXM OD death. Which almost certainly is what their official documentation says. Thus, if the coroner was a stupid fuck, almost certainly that won't be evident from their own records. It ain't likely their will be an independent autopsy.
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Default 11-21-2003, 04:25 PM

I'd like to see their analysis of the blood serum concentrations of DXM, the presence/absence of other drugs, and the past medical history of the deceased.

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Default 11-21-2003, 04:35 PM

Yeah Cliff, and I'd like to see Acidkaeti in just panties and white socks but it ain't gonna happen :P :O
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