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silent voice of seduction Offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Default 03-10-2005, 07:12 PM

Whis is this "nowhere"? We're still talking about the WTC incident which was what Hunter S. Thompson worked on prior to his death.

even if the Bush Administration/The Pentagon/The Media told the truth about what happened, so many people are going to be questioning it that the integrity of the government is going to dissolve from tiny to nothingness.
Well, they haven't tried yet, so we can only speculate. I do think it would make a huge difference. Maybe he would lose a few of his supporters when they find out he has lied to them (it's pretty hard not to notice that anyway; I suspect many people support Bush even though they know he's lying - that's what they want him to do). But he can gain the support of every thinking person on the planet - isn't that a much stronger base?

The US 'opposition' needs to get off its ass and START OPPOSING, DAMNIT.
The US current opposition truly is a joke... their bloodlust is the same, they just argue about the details.
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