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Default 01-25-2005, 06:54 AM

Drinking Like a Sailor: In Human Nature, William Saletan reports that several states are clamping down on cold medicine. While suburban teens may prefer Robitussin as their over-the-counter hallucinogenic of choice, MaoSayTongue writes that "NyQuil got me through eight years in the Navy":

Actually, it was the generic, Navy Exchange brand of Nyquil—tasted the same and gave the same sort of high. It cost about $1.50 for a bottle.

I would usually run out of beer money long before payday, so I would just go to the exchange and buy a couple bottles of the green elixir. When we were in a US port, I just take it back to the ship and sit in the TV lounge, swigging it from the bottle.

Halfway through the first bottle, I'd be talking to the TV . . . as well as the chairs and tables and anyone else who was in there. The high felt a lot like herbal ecstasy and alcohol--understandable since it basically IS herbal ecstasy and alcohol.

ElboRuum is a big NyQuil guy because JägerCrank was the first to address the 2 primary irritations with having a cold... the inability to sleep because you keep nose-drooling into the pillow, and your face permanently screwed into an uncomfortable shape resembling a carp hanging off a fisherman's hook because you can't breathe through your nose.

How does NyQuil do this? By KNOCKING YOU OUT. If I'm asleep, I don't care that I've got post-nasal drip and sinus clogging.

To Elbo, "If you needed any indication that this nanny state BS has gone too far, here it is." Offer some homeopathic cold remedy to Elbo here.

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n__u Offline
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Default 01-25-2005, 11:40 AM

This guy drank nyquil to get high? Heh. That's pretty funny.
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vapor Offline
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Default 01-28-2005, 03:41 PM

Halfway through the first bottle, I'd be talking to the TV . . . as well as the chairs and tables and anyone else who was in there. The high felt a lot like herbal ecstasy and alcohol--understandable since it basically IS herbal ecstasy and alcohol.
nyquil is herbal ecstasy and alcohol?

What a fucking moron

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