Originally posted by drdĒv@Dec 8 2004, 12:48 AM
The AMA will also help publicize educational efforts and resources on DXM abuse by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association and the Partnership for a Drug Free America.
Unfortunate for the AMA that the websites of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association and the Partnership for a Drug Free America are buried behind mine in every search engine worth mentioning. I do professional SEO, and if you want my services I ain't cheap. People (in this case concerned parents, kids, whatever) just first go to the highest ranking relevant sites. The main effect of the AMA publicizing DXM abuse is it will increase hits to my sites. And Erowid will pick up most of the slack. The PFDA can buy all the Google Adwords they want for their anti-DXM sites. Most everyone using Google looks first to the left and the natural SERPs.