View Full Version : FYI on DXM
09-27-2004, 09:16 PM
Is your teen abusing cough-and-cold medications containing dextromethorphan, or DXM? Here are some tips to find out:
Monitor Web sites that your child visits while on the computer. How-to information on abusing the drug - from recommended doses to instructions on how to extract DXM from cough medications - is readily available on the Internet.
Treat medication packaging as drug paraphernalia. An empty box of cough medicine found in a bedroom should lead to hard questions.
Monitor retail visits to stores with pharmacies and pay attention to purchases.
Keep watch over the household supply of medications.
Link: (
09-27-2004, 10:45 PM
Hehehe my mom once found two empty robomax bottles in my drawer. She got worried asking if I knew that drinking too much DXM could cause hallucinations and I was like "OMG no I didn't but I never take more than 2 teaspons at a time anyway." From then on I was much more careful about getting rid of the bottles. Interesting article though. I just wonder how many parents will start monitoring their kids better.
Mista V
09-28-2004, 12:46 AM
Heh, my mom found a couple empty robo boxes in my room and is vaguely aware of cough syrup abuse but I told her I used it to help me sleep whenever insomnia hits and in return she showed me all the plants in her garden that can be used a sedatives when made into tea. :nitin:
09-28-2004, 04:43 AM
Haha. Tell her to add Cannabis to her garden :)
My mum found 8 empty bottles of Tussin Max in my room =/
THAT wasn't a fun conversation.
She thinks I've stopped... hehhe
Then again, it's actually against some convention that Australia (where I live, for whose who don't know) signed regarding the rights of the child, that parents can't search their childrens' rooms looking for drug 'evidence'. Hehe.
09-28-2004, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by drdĒv@Sep 27 2004, 09:16 PM
Treat medication packaging as drug paraphernalia. An empty box of cough medicine found in a bedroom should lead to hard questions.
Great. So now a kid who just buys cough medicine to *gasp* get rid of a cough needs to be confronted and asked 'hard questions' by their parents.
Or any OTC medicine for that matter -- 'Treat medication packaging as drug paraphernalia'
An empty box of cough medicine found in a bedroom should lead to hard questions.
yeah, like what plateau did you get to.
seriously, i don't know what i would do if i found empty cough syrup packaging in my kid's room. i'd probably be all like "holy fuck my kid DEXES". i'd probably do nothing actually. unless they were dexing something with bad stuff in it or had like 50 empty boxes i'd probably just let it slide. if i really thought it was a problem, i'd just tell them about how i used to do it back in the day. i bet they wouldn't think dexing was so cool when they found out their DAD used to do it.
the ashtar
09-28-2004, 12:39 PM
This site is such drug paraphenalia.
09-28-2004, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by drdĒv@Sep 27 2004, 09:16 PM
Treat medication packaging as drug paraphernalia. An empty box of cough medicine found in a bedroom should lead to hard questions.
I'd advise parents against this. If it were 20 empty boxes, odds are near 100% the kids was getting high on them. However, 1 package proves little. Statistically, I'd say it is a safe bet there are more kids who occasionally use cold medicines as directed than abuse them. Thus, odds are high that these "hard questions" will be directed at an kid not abusing cold medicines. Worse yet, the parent may be clueing in a kid that doesn't know they can trip on DXM that they can.
My advice to parents would be play it cool, and keep their eyes open. If the parent keeps seeing new empty boxes, THEN worry. Also, consider the following scenario. Parent asks hard questions after finding one empty box. The kid just responds "I just had a cold last week Mom, and haven't tossed out the empty box yet." As the answer is plausible, little Mom can do. HOWEVER, Mom just taught Johnny or Janey that whenever tripping on DXM *dispose of the packaging before getting home, and hide the stash well*. And, be careful not to do drugs when you might be spotted high. Mom now has a much harder task proving her kid is abusing drugs.
09-28-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by mr_microphone@Sep 28 2004, 02:43 AM
Haha. Tell her to add Cannabis to her garden :)
Or Papaver Somniferum :sly:
DXM User
10-07-2004, 01:01 AM
Heh Opium!
I love my somniferum field, and my parents are none the wiser!
10-07-2004, 02:04 AM
i used to have dex sent to my mom's house and have her repackage it and mail it to me in iraq...the army frowns on too may boxes comming in the mail with like 15 boxes of dexalone in it lol
10-14-2004, 04:05 AM
i used to have dex sent to my mom's house and have her repackage it and mail it to me in iraq...the army frowns on too may boxes comming in the mail with like 15 boxes of dexalone in it lol
Have you posted on the mother or a friend thread yet? B) lol
11-08-2004, 03:43 PM
My parents have never found an empty box in my room. but if they looked, they might find a few in like 5 or 10 minutes. I have to find some better hiding places, but im too lazy to make them. Well, i guess i will wait untill they take away my 40 dollar glass pipe before i hide my stuff better.
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