OK, I finally gave up on even trying to list commercial DXM preparations
because there are too many (not to mention they differ from place to place
even within the US). Instead, I list here the typical DXM formulas and
preparations you are likely to encounter.

* Pediatric Syrups (1-1.5mg/ml DXM)
There are several brands and generics of “Pediatric” formulation DXM
preparations. Intended for children, they contain very little DXM; on
the other hand, they usually taste better. In general though it’s a
waste of money and time to try and use pediatric DXM formulas for
recreational purposes.
* Regular Strength Syrups (2mg/ml DXM)
Many “regular strength” cough syrups contain 2mg/ml DXM. In the US,
the most notable example is Vicks Formula 44TM (which formerly
contained 3mg/ml). These are of course quite usable for recreational
purposes, although 3mg/ml syrups are preferred.
* “DM” Cough Syrups (2mg/ml DXM)
Most of the “DM” cough syrups (of which the notable brand is
Robitussin DMTM) contain 2mg/ml DXM as well as gauifenesin. During the
1980’s, many of these syrups contained 3mg/ml DXM but were reduced in
strength in response to recreational use. These syrups can also be
used recreationally, but note that the guaifenesin can cause nausea or
vomiting (see Section 4.11.3).
* Maximum Strength Cough Syrups (3mg/ml DXM)
The strongest syrups regularly available in the US are 3mg/ml and are
typically marked “Maximum Strength Cough” (of which RobitussinTM is
the most notable example). The generics are almost always called
“Tussin Maximum Strength Cough”. These are the most commonly used
syrups for recreational purposes.
* Concentrate Syrups (6mg/ml DXM)
There are a very few brands of “concentrate” syrups, which are
intended for institutions (or large families) who buy the concentrate
and dilute it, possibly adding flavoring. The only brand I’ve ever
heard of is PinexTM. Good luck trying to find these.
* Gelcaps (30mg DXM)
Drixoral Cough Liquid CapsTM are available in the US (and possibly
other places), and contain 30mg DXM in a gel capsule. These are
sporadically available; if you can’t find them in your area, try
* Lozenges (7.5mg - 30mg DXM)
A few lozenges are available which contain DXM. In the US, the only
brand I’m aware of is SucretsTM, which contain 15mg of DXM (see above
notes on Section 4.8.4). Another brand containing 7.5mg DXM is
available in South Africa.
* Capsules and Tablets (15mg - 60mg DXM)
Various capsules and tablets are available throughout the world
containing only DXM (to my knowledge, none are available in the US).
These range from 15mg to 60mg per pill, with 15mg and 30mg being the
most common.
* DXM + Chlorpheniramine Capsules (30mg DXM)
Coricidin Cough and ColdTM tablets are available in the US with 30mg
DXM and 4mg chlorpheniramine maleate (an antihistamine). These are
suitable only for first and second plateau dosing (generally, ten
pills or less) due to the adverse effects (possibly dangerous) of
antihistamines at high doses. Be advised that some people react very
poorly to antihistamines. On the other hand, the antihistamine
evidently can prevent the dreaded “Robo Itch” (see Section 6.1.3).
Coricidin has other formulas which contain undesirable or dangerous
ingredients; the correct one is marked “suitable for people with high
blood pressure”.
* Miscellaneous
I have heard rumors of DXM available on the street in 240mg, 300mg,
and 600mg doses, but I cannot verify these rumors. The “DXM” may
actually be PCP, ketamine, or anything for that matter (but is
probably just extracted or purchaed DXM).
“Agent Lemon” (see Section 11.1.3) has also been made available in
some locations. Again, be advised that you are relying upon someone
else’s chemistry skills.

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