drdªv€ |
Posted: Nov 15 2007, 05:08 AM |

HO HO HO's ;)

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11/14/2007 9:51:00 AM Dark streets in the shady areas of town aren't the only places where a drug deal can go down - especially when the deal involves kids.
Miami County Sheriff's deputy and school resource officer Bryce Adams said popular drugs for teens and pre-teens today are obtained easily enough from their own homes, peers and even grocery stores.
"Kids aren't real selective," Adams said. "They'll take whatever they get a hold of. They don't care as long as someone says it's a good buzz or high."
Chief probation officer for Miami County Randy Freeman said although there has been a steady decline in the amounts of juveniles prosecuted for drug and alcohol related offenses since 2004, substance abuse among teens does exist in the county.
Alcohol and marijuana are the most widely used substances by juveniles in the area, but narcotics, prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs also are popular with some teens and adolescents, Freeman said.
"Marijuana is our biggest problem at the present time," Freeman said. "But I certainly don't want to downplay the misuse of over-the-counter drugs or prescription drugs."
According to Adams, prescription drugs for insomnia, anxiety and chronic pain are relatively common in many households granting easy access for teens. Adams said the draw to prescription drugs for teens is that the medicine itself is not illegal and teens don't consider the medication dangerous like cocaine or heroin.
"The big problem is the kids think if mom or dad takes (the prescription) to make them feel better, then it should be safe," Adams said.
"But it's a prescription for a reason and if your body can't handle it, you're going to overdose."
Miami County Recovery Council juvenile drug court coordinator Kim Stephens agreed.
"They think, 'gee, it's in the medicine cabinet. I'm not going to get in trouble for this,'" she said. "Kids are always looking for a different kind of high."
Adams said teens obtain prescription drugs out of their parents' pill bottles or by stealing prescriptions delivered through the mail. The drugs also are obtained from other teens for $2 to $3 a hit, he said.
Clark's pharmacist Jason George said some painkiller addicts build up such a strong tolerance for the drugs that they can take more than 20 pills a day "just to feel normal." George said when a person reaches that point, getting off of the drug is very difficult.
Adams said some teens addicted to prescription drugs that he has encountered as a school resource officer are at that point, and have told him they have to sell the pills to be able to pay for their habits, which can cost upwards of $1,000 a month.
"We're not supposed to ever diagnose a kid with dependency because supposedly they are not old enough for the diagnosis," Stephens said. "But they're as close to dependent as any adult I've ever seen."
Another trend among teens is the use of dextromethorphan or "DXM," an ingredient in many cough syrups like Robotussin.
Adams said DXM causes a hallucinogenic high when taken in excess and teens refer to that high as "robo-ing" or a "robo high."
Adams said some teens drink bottles of cough syrup and then force themselves to vomit, which rids them of the nausea caused by the dosage, but keeps the high from DXM.
"They let the DXM soak in and force the rest out," he said. "They go to extremes just for these highs."
Sgt. Joseph Mauro of the Tipp City Police Department said a problem officers have with catching teens abusing cough syrups is that they do it at home.
"What we've experienced when we raid a house party where the kids are out with their friends is that it's not cool to carry around a bottle of cough syrup," Mauro said. "They're more likely to carry around a beer or a shot of whiskey."
Though compliance with House Bill 53 - a bill that limits the purchase of cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine, which can be used to make methamphetamine - has prevented drug users from obtaining the medication from grocers and pharmacies for illicit use, many cough syrups are still available.
The manager for Tipp City Food Town said his store does not sell any product containing pseudoephedrine, but does carry cough syrups containing dextromethorphan.
Both Freeman and Stephens said the abuse of cough syrups and prescription drugs is dangerous not only to a person's health, but they can be "gateways" into harder drugs like crack cocaine and heroin, the latter of which is slowly becoming more prevalent in the area among teens and adults.
"In the past three years, heroin has got a foothold on a couple of our youth," Freeman said.
Freeman said while there is a misconception that the only teens getting into trouble with drugs are those from low-income or broken homes, drug use is found in all socio-economic backgrounds.
"Youth in lower socio-economic brackets may not always have the means to seek treatment, whereas users from more lucrative households may have major medical coverage to help them out before they get into trouble and come to court," Freeman said.
Stephens agreed.
"Drugs don't discriminate between age and race," she said. "In my opinion, the war on drugs has failed because more and even younger kids are using nowadays."
-------------------- Growing old is mandatory... growing up is optional. ;)
Know your body, Known your mind, Know your substance, Know your source
RIP RDT 12-27-65/6-04-06 Brother, Friend, Confidante & Co-Conspirator
"All of my heroes have now become ghosts"
"friends help you move... best friends help you move bodies." |
noid |
Posted: Nov 15 2007, 09:05 AM |

I was 'Peace Frog'

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QUOTE | Dark streets in the shady areas of town aren't the only places where a drug deal can go down - especially when the deal involves kids. |
NO shit. We used to buy weed in English class all the time |
Dybowski |
Posted: Nov 15 2007, 06:36 PM |

Plateau Sigma

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QUOTE | "Marijuana is our biggest problem at the present time," |
I see, unnecessary violence is secondary then
-------------------- 22:37 | <yokel> reprogramming the programmer
"In silence we had reached a place where flowed a slender watercourse out of the wood, a stream whose redness makes me shudder still." -Dante Alighieri |
Aquanina |
Posted: Nov 15 2007, 06:59 PM |
Third Plateau

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Dayton, Ohio? Oh great...that's a half hour from me lol.
Kids "make themselves vomit"...they do???
-------------------- Make a move and the bunny gets it. |
wagexslave |
Posted: Nov 16 2007, 01:43 AM |

First Plateau

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"Adams said some teens drink bottles of cough syrup and then force themselves to vomit"
HAHA, proof Adams doesnt know shit about what he's talking about.
Anyone who throws up on DXM doesn't exactly force themself to, some people just cant hold down all that nasty syrup. Either you thow up or you don't... but TBH I dont really get nauseous often from DXM or syrup/zicam. I used to when I would chug 8 ozers in a few seconds but I stopped doing that and dont get the gurgling stomach bubbles anymore. And even when I do get nauseous, a few burps will usually do the trick.
Oh well, good article anyways. Good for a nice laugh. |
shibby_licious |
Posted: Nov 16 2007, 04:18 AM |

Fourth Plateau

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QUOTE (drdªv€ @ Nov 15 2007, 05:08 AM) |
"What we've experienced when we raid a house party where the kids are out with their friends is that it's not cool to carry around a bottle of cough syrup," Mauro said. "They're more likely to carry around a beer or a shot of whiskey."
I always think its totally fucking rad to carry around a bottle of cough syrup! These kids are losers lol... wtf! I would rather have a bottle of vicks 44 in my hand then a bottle of whiskey anyday!
or we could just live in a huge ass bottle of robitussin drinkin robitussin all the time and call it fucking good man ha ha ...check out this pic...lol
This post has been edited by shibby_licious on Nov 16 2007, 04:33 AM
-------------------- BOMBING for PEACE is like FUCKING for VIRGINITY..! |
Liquid Fiend |
Posted: Nov 16 2007, 04:20 AM |
there's no love in fear

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-------------------- Death is your art. You make it with your hands, day after day. That final gasp. That look of peace. Part of you is desperate to know: What's it like? Where does it lead you? And part of you wants it. Not only to stop the fear and uncertainty, but because you're just a little bit in love with it. Every DVer... has a death wish. |
Scynne |
Posted: Nov 16 2007, 04:23 AM |

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How many more of these are going to have to be written before humanity gives up on sucking ass?
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Criptin |
Posted: Nov 22 2007, 03:17 PM |

Plateau Sigma

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QUOTE | I always think its totally fucking rad to carry around a bottle of cough syrup! These kids are losers lol... wtf! I would rather have a bottle of vicks 44 in my hand then a bottle of whiskey anyday! |
People just arent as cool as us I guess.
And that pic does kick ass
 Instigating DXM use.. Me? Never. -Criptin- |