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Dextroverse Community > DXM-related News > Drug abuse lurks in medicine cabinet |
Posted by: drdĒv Aug 24 2007, 11:13 AM |
Think teen drug abuse is all about illegal "street" drugs? Think again. The problem may be lurking in a trusted place much closer to home - your medicine cabinet. All medications can be harmful when not used according to the directions. Recent studies indicate that increasing numbers of young people abuse common "over the counter" (OTC) medications used to treat colds or flu symptoms, especially cough syrup including the ingredient dextromethorphan (DXM). Data collected by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America showed that one in 10 youths aged 12 to 17 report having abused medicines containing DXM. Studies have shown that some teens take 25 to 50 times the recommended dosage to achieve a hallucinogenic high, often with very dangerous side effects, which can be compounded if combined with alcohol, illegal drugs or certain prescription drugs. "Syrupheads" or "Robotards," as DXM abusers are called, may buy the OTC medications from multiple retail stores, a practice known "robotripping" or "smurfing." However, some teens prefer pills containing DXM because they are easier to conceal and use. Also, youth can easily visit Internet sites that promote DXM abuse and sell DXM online. Signs of DXM abuse include: Blurred vision, nausea, stomach pain or vomiting, rapid heart rates that could lead to cardiac arrest, numbness in fingers and toes, muscle spasms, drowsiness, dizziness, or delirium. The Partnership for a Drug Free America reports that one out of five teens have abused prescription medications as well. Some teens engage in a party activity called "pharming" by collecting pills of all sorts from home and elsewhere. Then, they randomly take handfuls of unknown medications, oblivious to the dangerous consequences of combining different drugs. To draw attention to this growing problem, the U.S. Senate designated August 2007 as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. In announcing the campaign, Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware) stated: "We can't just put a lock on the medicine cabinet and think our children and teens will be safe. Over-the-counter drugs are too easy and cheap to come by. Teens are misinformed if they think 'legal' drugs are safe in any dose and when not prescribed by a doctor. They are flat wrong and we've got to do a better job of teaching kids and parents about the dangers of medicine abuse." The Consumer Healthcare Products Association, whose members make OTC medications, are working in partnership with the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America to provide critical information about the signs of abuse, as well as strategies to prevent abuse among teenagers. Their campaign features an educational tool kit called "A Dose of Prevention: Stopping Cough Medicine Abuse Before It Starts." Parents are encouraged to monitor medications kept at home, look for empty cough medicine boxes or bottles in the trash, and when possible, store all medications in a locked cabinet. Prescription medications that are no longer needed should be disposed of properly. |
Posted by: zerotype Aug 24 2007, 01:37 PM |
We need counter programs to encourage rampant drug use. |
Posted by: allegra Aug 24 2007, 01:37 PM | ||
1. yes, robotripping = taking a trip to the store to buy robitussin...great job getting your facts straight! ![]() 2. syruphead? smurfing? who the fuck makes this stuff up? (nobody who does dex, i'll bet) |
Posted by: noid Aug 24 2007, 11:08 PM |
Great, now when Mom overhears her son talking about playing an online game, shes gonna think hes a "robotard". Lolz. |