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Dextroverse Community > DXM-related News > Lindsay: Drinking & Drugs In Rehab! |
Posted by: drdĒv Jul 18 2007, 06:28 PM |
Rehab Insider: Lindsay: Drinking & Drugs In Rehab! After 45 days in rehab, Lindsay Lohan headed for Vegas to blow off some steam and party. And she made a big deal of her newfound sobriety by showing off an alcohol monitoring ankle bracelet and sticking to the energy drink, Red Bull. But pals tell Star exclusively that Lindsay, 21, was drinking, drugging and running wild while in Malibu's $48,000-a-month Promises treatment center! "Lindsay found anew way of getting high because she's young and smart and she can figure out ways to do it, like most addicts do," a source reveals exclusively to Star. "She uses 'whippits,' the tubes that you buy that contain nitrous oxide. She mixes that with the cold medicine Coricidin. Together they get you really wasted. At first, the counselors couldn't figure out how she was getting high, but then they found the cold medicine and whippit containers under Lindsay's bed. Lindsay admitted to using the stuff in group counseling meetings and said she was sorry." When the troubled actress crashed her Mercedes over the Memorial Day weekend, police found cocaine in her car and she also tested positive for the drug. But after entering rehab, says the source, she was reduced to having friends and "Extended Care" patients smuggle in over-the-counter contraband for her. "One of the patients, who comes and goes as he pleases because he's been there awhile and has more freedom, was bringing in boxes of his stuff for Lindsay," says the source. "Also, when visitors come they don't get checked. So what would keep them from bringing in drugs? Nothing." But why would they be so willing to supply Lindsay with drugs? "Because everyone is starstruck by her," the source explains. "They want to get in her good graced. She has a way of getting people to do things for her. She's a master of manipulation!" The source adds that Lindsay- who pays $1,000 a day to sober companion who appears to turn a blind eye when she's up to no good- has also been drinking alcohol. On July 2, she left Promises for a Malibu beach party celebrating her 21st birthday. While Lindsay was out on the deck of the house, "she looked healthy, tanned and happy," says a friend of the star. "But inside the house, she was drinking her favorite cocktail, Grey Goose vodka on the rocks with a slice of lime." Back at Promises, Lindsay's room was overflowing with flowers, gifts and cards. But "she didn't even look at them," says the source. "She never opened the cards. She said she didn't like flowers. They piled up everywhere. All that attention and she didn't even respond. She doesn't care." Two days after her birthday, on July 4, Lindsay was again outrageously indiscreet during another bash at her ex-boyfriend Harry Morton's house. "She was going up to people with a bottle of tequila, asking them to do shots with her," says the friend. "It's a shame- at this point, it all seems to be a sham. "Lindsay wouldn't stop talking about how much she hated rehab and missed drinking and drugging. She even said, "When all this rehab s--- blows over, I'll be back partying with everyone. Can't wait!'" When she got back to Promises after her tequila-fueled celebration, Lindsay failed a breathalyzer test, says the source. "Lindsay tried to tell staffers the machine was broken," the insider reveals. "She's an outrageous liar. She finally cracked and said she slipped, she was sorry and wouldn't do it again. She sobbed like a drama queen." On July 11, the drama continued at an AA meeting at a church in Santa Monica. "There were about 20 people all spilling their hearts out about addiction," says the source. "It was emotional and very personal. But Lindsay couldn't care less. She was on her BlackBerry texting people nonstop. It was so rude! At one point she got up and went outside to talk on her phone. She came back distraught. She said she was upset with a friend who left rehab because he was drinking again and she wanted him to come back to Promises. These kind of moments are common for her." During her stay in rehab, Lindsay was constantly accusing people of stealing her things, says the source. "Her room was a pigsty. There were piles of stuff everywhere," the insider reveals. "Yves Saint Laurent shoes, Lanvin clothing and Chanel bags piled to the ceiling. How could she know if something was stolen with that mess?" "Lindsay even accused someone of stealing her Rolex watch," says the source, "but it turned out that she was wearing it all along. It was hidden among her bracelets. How embarrassing is that!" Lindsay has a lot riding on cleaning up her act. She's now living in an after-care residence near Promises as she films Poor Things with Shirley MacLaine. She'll be there for about 30 days. Her arraignment hearing for the May 26 DUI bust is scheduled for August 24. "A lot depends on Lindsay's sobriety," says another friend. "She's playing a very dangerous game by pretending to be sober. Unless she gets serious- and quick- she's headed for complete disaster." |
Posted by: Kaiserin Jul 18 2007, 07:50 PM |
I guess you can afford to be a total fuck-up when you have 10 million dollars. |
Posted by: hpi Jul 18 2007, 07:50 PM |
Oh my, Those rehab idiots actually think putting her in rehab is gonna do a damn thing? Shes just gonna get out and throw a party with all kinds of drugs and get high beyond belief. For the LAST time, rehab doesn't work. It works for people really wanting it for work and even then ahh rehab fails. Counselors fail and all those people personally. Lindsay doesn't wanna stop, hell shes a fucken famous chick with all the money she needs to support her little drug escapades. ![]() |
Posted by: Space Monkey Jul 18 2007, 07:57 PM |
I went to a month-long inpatient rehab back in 2000. I have fond memories of tricking the nurses into giving me a psychoactive dose of DXM. |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 18 2007, 08:26 PM | ||
So, like 100mg? ![]() |
Posted by: n__u Jul 18 2007, 08:27 PM | ||
Hilarity. |
Posted by: Space Monkey Jul 18 2007, 08:45 PM | ||||
About that, yes. Bear in mind that I am highly sensitive to the effects of DXM, and that I get OEVs at ~180 milligrams, so 100 milligrams has a pretty significant effect for me.
IMO, low dose DXM shares many of the desirable properties of MDMA with less slobberiness. OTOH, I did not 'trip out' so much as have a lot of fun bounding around and having conversations with other patients. I did have to have a conversation with my counselor while I was high, and explained to him that no, I had not been engaging in drug seeking behavior that morning and that I had in fact just had a really, really bad cough. The tripping out occurred two days later when I got righteously high on some grass someone had smuggled in. Kundalini activation and everything. ![]() |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 18 2007, 08:52 PM |
That's what I thought. No rehab 3rd plateau for you ![]() |
Posted by: Space Monkey Jul 18 2007, 08:55 PM |
Doing a third plateau in rehab would have been fucking stupid. |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 18 2007, 09:03 PM | ||
Maybe at the beginning of your day. I think it would be fun if you started one at night and got away with it. Talk about bragging rights ![]() |
Posted by: Space Monkey Jul 18 2007, 09:18 PM |
Given the fact that the rooms had random checks throughout the night and given my legal situation at that time, taking enough DXM that I would be obviously inebriated was a risk that exceeded the acceptable benefit/cost ratio for me. (Which isn't to say that it wasn't considered. I am an addict, after all.) |
Posted by: n__u Jul 18 2007, 09:21 PM |
Did you guys forget about the Private Messaging feature? ![]() I love you both! |
Posted by: Space Monkey Jul 18 2007, 09:23 PM |
I am sharing my experience of my struggle with addiction as it relates to Lindsay Lohan's battle with this dread disease. |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 18 2007, 09:28 PM | ||||
Off-topic, unsolicited signs of affection should definitely be kept in the PM realm. |
Posted by: Space Monkey Jul 18 2007, 09:34 PM | ||
IMO, shoplifting evidence bags from a police station while in jail for shoplifting is much cooler than being obviously fucked up while in rehab. ![]() |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 18 2007, 09:45 PM | ||
Tomato tomato. |
Posted by: hungerpuppy Jul 19 2007, 12:24 AM |
Lohan will be my fucking bride. I love that woman. she was awesome in mean girls, plus now she sounds like a 40 year old professional psychic choking on Newport smoke and stale cum.![]() we'd be the new marilyn manson + eva whatsherface, but we'd be much worse. she'd still make kids movies and pop songs and I'd be Kevin Federline meets andy dick. |
Posted by: n__u Jul 19 2007, 04:06 AM | ||||
You mean you don't love me? ![]() /wrists |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 19 2007, 04:11 AM | ||
Meet me in prayer room after our counseling session, I'll bring the whippits ![]() |
Posted by: n__u Jul 19 2007, 04:13 AM | ||
Lick my ballz. Like this: ![]() |
Posted by: Allen J Jul 19 2007, 04:15 AM | ||
Just go easy on the water. I'm sick of seeing you back in rehab ![]() |
Posted by: JiMiTHiNG Jul 24 2007, 09:39 AM |
She just got busted for driving drunk again last night. So I would say she is in some serious trouble now. |
Posted by: vapor Jul 24 2007, 05:45 PM | ||
She was busted with driving under the influence (2nd offense to date) and ALSO with one count, possession of a controlled substance. the substance being cocaine. ![]() for the rest of us that would almost ruin your life, for her being a celebrety, its still going to SUCK ASS. BIG mistake. I hear she was chasing her mother's PR (public relations) manager late at night by car. She became concerned, not knowing it was lindsay and the women called it in to the police and lohan was pulled over a couple blocks before the station was up. |
Posted by: SpiralDarkSeraphim Aug 29 2007, 04:05 AM |
I feel for Lindsay...I know what it's like to be an addict and to be in a state of constant chaos. If I had the money she has, I can't even imagine the amounts of drugs I'd have around. I do however find it amusing that she tripped on CCC while in rehab. |