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The DXM Zine -- New Issue Soon!, Contributors
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Posted: Aug 4 2003, 08:39 PM

Peripatetic Scholar

Group: Lead Administrators
Posts: 2835
Member No.: 140
Joined: 17-June 03

Hey Fellow Dexers,

We need article submissions for the newest DXMzine that relate to DXM. It can be funny, informative, introspective, chemistry, or anything else relating to DXM!

See some examples from the older zines at :

Any article will do, just send them in and we'll contact you.

To Submit just email your article/whatever to :

[email protected]

QUESTIONS? E-mail [email protected]

OR to subscribe to the zine please send a blank email with the subject line "SUBSCRIBE" to [email protected]

Editor-In-Chief @ DXM Zine

Growing old is mandatory... growing up is optional. ;)

Know your body, Known your mind, Know your substance, Know your source

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds...

RIP RDT 12-27-65/6-04-06
Brother, Friend, Confidante & Co-Conspirator

"All of my heroes have now become ghosts"

"friends help you move... best friends help you move bodies."

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Posted: Oct 11 2003, 01:31 AM

First Plateau

Group: Members
Posts: 188
Member No.: 854
Joined: 9-October 03

your magazine is great. really informative.

ever think of setting up an emailing list?

keep up the good work.


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Posted: Oct 13 2003, 12:22 AM

People's Mindless Games

Group: Lead Administrators
Posts: 4448
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Joined: 2-June 03

QUOTE (Glenn @ Oct 11 2003, 12:31 AM)
your magazine is great. really informative.

ever think of setting up an emailing list?

keep up the good work.

It's a zine, meaning an email list

mail [email protected] with subject line SUBSCRIBE


Nit's Picks v3
Grand Theft Scapegoat: Ridiculous Jihad Against Video Games
Europe and America do not care for Africa: China and India Do!
Successful Harm-Reduction: Vancouver Halts Drug Epidemic via InSite Program
Fascism & Education: Ron Jones & The Third Wave.
Nitin (Forum PM, IRC)
Dextroverse Administrator

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Posted: Nov 16 2003, 10:48 PM


And by the way, I have a lot of writings I'd be willing to contribute to the zine, although I doubt they would be the type you'd want to publish for the zine.

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Posted: Nov 16 2003, 11:20 PM

People's Mindless Games

Group: Lead Administrators
Posts: 4448
Member No.: 2
Joined: 2-June 03

QUOTE (idunnopoetry @ Nov 16 2003, 09:48 PM)
And by the way, I have a lot of writings I'd be willing to contribute to the zine, although I doubt they would be the type you'd want to publish for the zine.

ANYTHING DXM-related, including artwork and poetry... (and other forms of art--the newer the better!)


Nit's Picks v3
Grand Theft Scapegoat: Ridiculous Jihad Against Video Games
Europe and America do not care for Africa: China and India Do!
Successful Harm-Reduction: Vancouver Halts Drug Epidemic via InSite Program
Fascism & Education: Ron Jones & The Third Wave.
Nitin (Forum PM, IRC)
Dextroverse Administrator

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Posted: Nov 19 2003, 10:50 PM


They probably don't have enough submissions.

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Posted: Nov 20 2003, 05:45 PM


I just wrote a monologue for a playwriting class and submission to a short play contest, where the guy is a DXM addict

I could send in my rough draft or the finished product if i do it time.

While most of the class didn't really get what DXM usage was, as evidenced by the comments that "I should have him at the end trying to lick the inside of the bottle" (which would just taste bad, and not add any to a trip) and have him "take other medicines like tylenol" but the response was pretty good saying that i captured addiction well, and the one girl who had a friend that got kicked out of school cus he stopped doin work because of DXM said it was perfect.

And it should be, cus maybe 1/3 of it is personal (ie. the reasons why/and feelings on it) and it was written under the influence (2 sep trips)

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6 replies since Aug 4 2003, 08:39 PM Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topic

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