View Full Version : News>> Dea: Cough Syrup Chemical Is No Safe Elixir
08-07-2003, 02:41 AM
DETROIT -- A dangerous and potentially deadly drug craze known as "robo-tripping" is making its way around the Detroit metro area.
It's the new buzzword for teens in Grosse Pointe.
"I've heard of it in high school. I've heard of it around. They take it to get high," said one student.
And it's quickly making its way to other Detroit suburbs -- kids trying a new drug craze nicknamed "dmx" or "robo-tripping."
"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.
It is the kind of talk that scares parents
The Defenders answered the call for help and discovered the new drug craze is a growing concern for the administration.
The substance -- dextromethrophan hydrobromide -- is a dangerous powder kids are taking to hallucinate. It's designed to be used in cough syrups like Robitussin, but the DEA reports that it can be ordered from the Internet.
The DEA reports that kids are taking the chemical in large quantities in order to achieve a hallucinogenic high that resembles PCP.
Parents need to look for the warning signs.
Nationally, the drug has been linked to deaths, can cause permanent brain damage, and even more troubling, the chemical is legal to buy. Authorities can do little to deter dealers who say they're selling it for the right reasons.
"Robo-tripping" is no safe ride, but rather a dangerous trip that could prove deadly.
While authorities work on shutting down Internet sites selling to kids, parents and kids are taking the warning to heart.
Wow, everyone should check out the video on that site. It's insane how much the media can misportray DXM. A lot of the things that the report and the DEA official mentioned were completely false.
I loved it how they got random people who were completely ignorant on the subject to bash it. The 10(?) year old kid who gave the brilliant analysis about the psyche of a drug user was hillarious. The DEA agent was also pretty funny, calling research chemical companies "ruthless mercenaries profiting on other people's misery". A funny and sad example of our tax dollars being put to great use. The worst thing is that people are now going to take this completely serious.
As a side note, they used Erowid in their video quite a bit. I'm almost positive that Erowid did not give them permission to use any content. I wish media companies, especially televised to a major city like Detroit, would take a more credible and unbiased standpoint. It's the stuff like this that engrains a fake moral standpoint against drug use into our society.
08-07-2003, 05:15 AM
That is the most hilariously sensationalist thing I have seen yet on the topic. I don't even know where to begin.
Good thing Mr. Know-it-all Narc gave information so horribly inaccurate and vague that no parent, who wasn't delusional with paranoia on a subject they know nothing about, could ever figure out if their kid was using DXM or not.
08-07-2003, 06:01 AM
How stupid, tussin has always been fairly big in Detroit, i'd bet thats why the dea would begin a campaign against dex there.
Who would you rather be around, someone on 8 oz robo or someone gone on 151 bacardi whos probably acting completely on impulse, which is something you see quite often on strong liqours.
08-07-2003, 09:12 AM
I hate this article so much I'm going to drink another bottle of cough syrup.
I love the part where they call it dmx.
08-07-2003, 02:48 PM
I wanted to send the author an email, the only email I can find is
[email protected] which seems to be kinda generic, what do u guys think?
08-07-2003, 03:29 PM
and in that video...they showed all the products you defintely should NOT use like coridin maximum strength and robitussin DM lol ... idiots
08-07-2003, 04:46 PM
"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.
So, according to the video on the site, the "DEA spokesman" hasn't even hit puberty?
But anyway, this is actually quite sad, something that makes one want to shake his head and sigh. Not so much because it badmouths drugs, but because it's an example of why American media is not to be trusted on ANY subject, not just drugs (the BBC World News is a good alternative, and since its on PBS, there are no commercials to interrupt it). Most dxm users need not worry unless they're 14 and live in Detroit.
I hope that little aformentioned bastard gets hooked on something horrible and brain-damaging 4 years down the line (or however long it takes him to forget his 4th grade DARE class and realise that sobriety ain't all it's cracked up to be). It would be a nice cosmic assraping.
08-07-2003, 07:10 PM
Hey at least they said it produces effects similar to PCP instead of LSD. First time I've seen them get THAT right...
08-07-2003, 07:11 PM
everytime an article like this comes out more people know about DXM in the mainstream... and a robotussin CEO/angel gets their wings.
There are so many lies in that video.
..erowid is in it too.
08-08-2003, 11:19 AM
"I dont know whats gonna happen man, all i know is i wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames."- jim morrison
i think we should take a page from jims book here, eventually powder will be illegal and tussin will be controled substance. maybe not now maybe not soon but if we continue to expand at the current rate due to technology and word of mouth were fukd with a capitol UK as our only escape.
08-08-2003, 11:46 AM
one of my theorys is that dxm will allways bearound and in cough syrup because "the man" is a secret dexer too. like so many of us that act like we dont know anything about dxm but are drinking 8oz bottles of tussin in the hill keep it around untill the new "man" is in charge. i just sugest that people keep dxm kinda underground and secret stealthy something or another. thats what ive been doin lately and it works out better for me. like i can dex any time/ all the time i want and like people just dont seem to notice. its crazy. there are like alot of people that do it and get in trouble or give it a bad name and shit too.i forget my point or something. and yeah. bubbles are cool. so blow more bubbles and itll abe ok,and save the rain forest cuz theres alot of stuff in there. and dont rub cat piss in little kids eyes cuz its not good for em ive herd. the end
08-08-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by robojunkie@Aug 8 2003, 09:19 AM
"I dont know whats gonna happen man, all i know is i wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames."- jim morrison
i think we should take a page from jims book here, eventually powder will be illegal and tussin will be controled substance. maybe not now maybe not soon but if we continue to expand at the current rate due to technology and word of mouth were fukd with a capitol UK as our only escape.
I HIGHLY doubt it. The process to make dxm illegal would take a bill to amend the controlled substances act, and that needs to have the approval of the senate and the house, and a presidential signature. I personally have my doubts about DXM becoming illegal anytime in the near future.
08-08-2003, 06:06 PM
i never said near future, you gotta admit its a possibility. then again so is bush shitting gold bricks
08-08-2003, 10:29 PM
"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.
Maybe some people are stupid enough to be like that...but I'm sure most people do drugs for their own pleasure or other reasons.
It's like don't do it to be cool do you? Of course not, you do it because it provides you with pleasure.
08-09-2003, 06:49 AM
i'm just outside of detroit... who reported this to channel 4 in detroit?? shit parents probably know about me now from when they found a few cvs tussin bottles under my bed damn.... they watch channel 4 someone pm me.... my aim sn is: fuzzyolga
08-09-2003, 07:39 AM
The best way to bullshit yer parents is with confidence. Start thinking of a sound excuse, THEN worry about if they saw it or not.
08-09-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by RoCk StAr@Aug 7 2003, 02:29 PM
and in that video...they showed all the products you defintely should NOT use like coridin maximum strength and robitussin DM lol ... idiots
showing the wrong products is probably far more dangerous than the 'problem' they are reporting on. people will see the program and will use the products shown and might even die
08-09-2003, 09:12 AM
maybe thats the plan, so they can demonize it even more. there are alot of things id have never known about without dare and mass media watchdogs.
08-09-2003, 11:46 AM
[email protected]
Email them and let them know how stupid they are. Flood their inbox with emails of the same nature (showing wrong products, 10 year old little shit, "DMX", etc) so they feel like the total shit asses that they are.
08-09-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by CashMoney@Aug 9 2003, 09:46 AM
[email protected]
Email them and let them know how stupid they are. Flood their inbox with emails of the same nature (showing wrong products, 10 year old little shit, "DMX", etc) so they feel like the total shit asses that they are.
No No spam is easy to fix.... people have tried to do stuff to the dv and its not that hard to just filter it out really quick and stop it from happening
10-11-2003, 02:42 AM
"overdose on DXM"...
im so sick of hearing that... it is very hard to overdose on DXM, as long as thats all you're using is dxm. dxm is safer than lsd, and lsd has one of the highest LD 50's known!
now, if some idiot kids heard that cough syrup got you stoned and went out and bought something with a whole lot of bad active chems besides dxm, then yeah, the idiots desrve to die for knowing next to nothing about DXM before they took it.
i dont know waobut anyone else, but i read the entire DXM FAQ before i dosed at all...
10-11-2003, 01:46 PM
actually isnt LSD the safest drug. thats what i tought. i read it somewhere on erowid but dont know off the top of my head.
10-11-2003, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by EvS@Aug 7 2003, 01:06 PM
I love the part where they call it dmx.
That is my worst pet peeve
10-12-2003, 03:20 PM
First off, know what the fuck you're talking about. Second, it isn't DMX, its DXM you fucktards.
And, third of all:
...Nationally, the drug has been linked to deaths, can cause permanent brain damage...
"Robo-tripping" is no safe ride, but rather a dangerous trip that could prove deadly.
Know your shit, talk to us. We should send them a link of this discussion...on second though, nah.
10-12-2003, 03:23 PM
First off, know what the fuck you're talking about. Second, it isn't DMX, its DXM you fucktards.
And, third of all:
...Nationally, the drug has been linked to deaths, can cause permanent brain damage...
"Robo-tripping" is no safe ride, but rather a dangerous trip that could prove deadly.
Yeah, and I'm Barbara Walters.
In case they didn't know, it's hard to die from DXM unless you drink like 20 bottles (and who would be able to?) or take the wrong shit.
Know your shit, talk to us. We should send them a link of this discussion...on second though, nah.
Godamn DEA.
"I hope they can see this, because I'm doing it harder than I've ever done it before." /flip off
10-13-2003, 10:29 AM
man i hate the media. i dont think kids do it cuz their friends tell them to, ive been doing drugs for 3.5 years or so now and ive never seeen any peer pressure with alcohol, dex, weed, coke, speed, you name it. i think they try it for the same reason i did, i wanted to trip on acid, but it was unavailable and i heard that taking half a box of coricidin cough and cold would produce the same effect so i ate em and after spending that night wrapped up like a mummy in my bed (i thought the sheets ate me) listening to Hole, i decided to research it and found t3p, the dextroverse, and erowid. after that i started drinking robo and then it blew up in the media. either that or they do it because theyre broke and they wanna get fucked up.
10-13-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by AmbientDistortion@Oct 13 2003, 09:29 AM
man i hate the media. i dont think kids do it cuz their friends tell them to, ive been doing drugs for 3.5 years or so now and ive never seeen any peer pressure with alcohol, dex, weed, coke, speed, you name it.
Exactly. If anything, most of my friends try to get me to STOP doing dxm.
10-14-2003, 12:58 AM
lol..... always remember.....
governments/societies act in their own interests
its in their interest to stop people from breaking the rigidly defined patterns of thought that give them the most profit/controllability.
drugs encourage (but do not guarantee) the breaking of rigid patterns of thought.
actually if more positive accounts of drug use (material success, wondrous experiences, artistic endeavors, etc) were to somehow surface into mainstream consciousness, perhaps then there would be an organized counterpoint to the emphasis on the worst of us.
now we cannot eliminate the worst of us (no matter how much we want to). there's always gonna be some idiot guy who slips GHB into a girl's drink, another idiot guy who does dxm as a substitute for alcohol or weed, yet another idiot guy who couldn't handle his shit or fucks himself over, and still another idiot guy who sells PMA as "ecstacy".....we cant avoid this. but the media...they'll fucking jump on it.
but we can present a unified front as our best defense....and i guess thats what the dextroverse is kinda about.
still....the more i think about it, the more it seems there are no easy answers for this one. we got a long road ahead of us, guys. if anything it seems as if its gonna get even worse as time goes on and government gets more intrusive and authoritarian.
i dunno....thats just my spiel.
10-14-2003, 04:09 PM
It's fucking idiots like the person who wrote the article on the first page that make me wanna just nuke the damn media. If they're going to report on something, get it right or don't do it at all. Stupid fuckers, ugh. And they should really stop writing articles about it, that's kind of where we get the idea that "oh hey, cough syrup...hmmm...."
/flips the big bird
That's for you, anti-drug America and asinine people.
10-31-2003, 12:51 AM
"They'll take cough syrup just to be cool. They'll do it because their friends tell them to do it," Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman David Jacobson said.
Haahaahaa thats beautiful definitely one for the scrapbook... wait a minute I dont have a scrapbook. I guess Ill just sharpie it on the wall
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