01-29-2004, 11:06 AM
Some young people are abusing over-the-counter medicines containing dextromethorphan (DXM). While abuse of these products is not widespread, every parent should be aware of the facts about DXM.
Q: What is DXM?
DXM is a safe and effective cough suppressant ingredient found in over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines. When used according to directions, products containing DXM produce few side effects and have a long history of safety and effectiveness.
Some teens are attempting to get high by taking much larger than recommended doses of DXM in the form of OTC cough syrup, tablets and gel caps. In these high doses, DXM can produce hallucinogenic and dissociative effects.
Q: What are dissociative effects?
Dissociative effects include distorted perceptions of sight and sound as well as feelings of detachment or separation from the environment and self.
Q: What are the effects of DXM abuse?
The effects of DXM abuse vary with the amount taken. DXM abusers describe a set of distinct “plateaus” ranging from a mild stimulant effect or excitement with distorted visual perceptions to a sense of complete dissociation from one’s body.
Physical signs of abuse can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, confusion, poor coordination, rapid heart rate and dizziness. At very high doses, DXM can cause inability to move arms or legs or to talk, slowed breathing and even death (from stopped breathing).
DXM is also sometimes abused with other drugs or alcohol, which can increase the dangerous physiological effects.
Q: What are slang terms for dextromethorphan?
Slang terms for dextromethorphan vary by product and region. The most common terms include: Dex, DXM, Robo, Skittles, Syrup, Triple-C and Tussin.
Terms for using dextromethorphan include: Robo-ing, Robo-tripping and skittling.
Q: How common is DXM abuse?
There are currently no adequate prevalence measures of DXM abuse, however, use is estimated to be low compared to other drugs. Abuse of cough medicines containing DXM is characterized as sporadic by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
There is little in current teen culture — music, movies, fashion and entertainment — that promotes or even mentions cough medicine abuse. The one exception is the Internet.
Q: What types of DXM sites are found online?
A number of web sites promote the abuse of DXM. The information on these sites ranges from recommending how much to take, suggesting other drugs to combine with DXM, instructing how to extract DXM from cough medicines, and even selling a powder form of DXM for snorting. Other sites display art, movies and music produced by people promoting DXM and other forms of drug abuse. You should be aware of what your teen is doing on the Internet, the web sites he or she visits and the amount of time he or she is logged on.
Today Show Link (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3032633&p1=0)
Q: What is DXM?
DXM is a safe and effective cough suppressant ingredient found in over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines. When used according to directions, products containing DXM produce few side effects and have a long history of safety and effectiveness.
Some teens are attempting to get high by taking much larger than recommended doses of DXM in the form of OTC cough syrup, tablets and gel caps. In these high doses, DXM can produce hallucinogenic and dissociative effects.
Q: What are dissociative effects?
Dissociative effects include distorted perceptions of sight and sound as well as feelings of detachment or separation from the environment and self.
Q: What are the effects of DXM abuse?
The effects of DXM abuse vary with the amount taken. DXM abusers describe a set of distinct “plateaus” ranging from a mild stimulant effect or excitement with distorted visual perceptions to a sense of complete dissociation from one’s body.
Physical signs of abuse can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, confusion, poor coordination, rapid heart rate and dizziness. At very high doses, DXM can cause inability to move arms or legs or to talk, slowed breathing and even death (from stopped breathing).
DXM is also sometimes abused with other drugs or alcohol, which can increase the dangerous physiological effects.
Q: What are slang terms for dextromethorphan?
Slang terms for dextromethorphan vary by product and region. The most common terms include: Dex, DXM, Robo, Skittles, Syrup, Triple-C and Tussin.
Terms for using dextromethorphan include: Robo-ing, Robo-tripping and skittling.
Q: How common is DXM abuse?
There are currently no adequate prevalence measures of DXM abuse, however, use is estimated to be low compared to other drugs. Abuse of cough medicines containing DXM is characterized as sporadic by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
There is little in current teen culture — music, movies, fashion and entertainment — that promotes or even mentions cough medicine abuse. The one exception is the Internet.
Q: What types of DXM sites are found online?
A number of web sites promote the abuse of DXM. The information on these sites ranges from recommending how much to take, suggesting other drugs to combine with DXM, instructing how to extract DXM from cough medicines, and even selling a powder form of DXM for snorting. Other sites display art, movies and music produced by people promoting DXM and other forms of drug abuse. You should be aware of what your teen is doing on the Internet, the web sites he or she visits and the amount of time he or she is logged on.
Today Show Link (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3032633&p1=0)