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12-23-2003, 05:45 PM
Teacher’s tip leads to drug investigation*
By Nancy Smallwood*

[email protected]

A ninth grade female Forsyth Central High School student found in possession of an over the counter cold medication at the high school on Dec. 12 has been suspended and will face a school tribunal.
School officials reported that at approximately 9 a.m. a teacher’s tip led to an investigation of alleged drug misuse on the high school campus. The investigation revealed that a ninth grade female student brought 13 capsules of Coricidin D, a non-prescription and over the counter cold medication, to school for the purpose of misuse and distribution, according to Jennifer Caracciolo, Forsyth County School Public Information Specialist. Two ninth-grade students took two pills each, according to Caracciolo.
Coricidin contains dextromethorphan (DXM) and misuse can produce effects similar to PCP such as rapid heart rate and blurred vision. The street name for Coricidin D is "Magic Skittles.”
The investigation is continuing into whether the student who brought the medication to school sold or gave the drugs to the other students.
"Those students that knew about the cold pills and inappropriate use and did not tell and or lied to the administration about their use are in out-of-school suspension,” said Caracciolo.
A total of six students are involved in the incident, she said.
Forsyth Central Principal Kenny Foxx said the system is taking strict action according to school policy.
"Any medication when misused is dangerous to ones health and has legal ramifications,” said Foxx. "We do not tolerate this kind of behavior. Disciplinary action is being taken on all involved, including those that were aware of the misuse of the pills and were not forthcoming with information to the administration.”
Caracciolo said the investigation into the incident is continuing.


Coricidin D (http://www.drugstore.com/qxp68274_333181_sespider/coricidin_d/cold_flu_and_sinus_tablets.htm) does not contain any dextromethorphan.

Story from: http://www.northfulton.com/DisplayArticle....4CE0395ED3E8%7D (http://www.northfulton.com/DisplayArticle.asp?ID=%7B250E9BC7-67ED-4CFB-A420-4CE0395ED3E8%7D)

12-23-2003, 05:57 PM
Beautiful. I'm sad for kids that are this.... uneducated.

12-23-2003, 06:42 PM
Dude, I feel like going on a shooting rampage and just going fucking insane when I hear shit about this.

You guys ever notice how all these news things that happen about DXM all contain Coricidin?


I'm sorry, but anyone who uses coricidin as their main form of DXM deserves to get real fucked up bad.


12-23-2003, 07:00 PM
I think that the student in question had CCC, not Coricidin D, and the reporter got it wrong.

12-23-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by EvS@Dec 23 2003, 05:45 PM
Two ninth-grade students took two pills each, according to Caracciolo.
Only two pills? That is the legitimate medical dosage, isn't it? Maybe they had a cough.

12-23-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by levomethorphan@Dec 23 2003, 07:54 PM
Only two pills? That is the legitimate medical dosage, isn't it? Maybe they had a cough.
Probably. Just like the girl who got expelled for having Advil.

Fuck schools, and especially the administrators. They're overpaid fuckers who get $100k a year for acting like fuckups.

Any one of them I meet in a dark alley will not be coming out the other side.

Support youth health and welfare; kill any school administrators you find. Kill them. Kill them dead. NOW.

12-23-2003, 08:39 PM
these kids these days and their magic skittles

12-23-2003, 09:07 PM
I find much humor in this article.

I enjoyed the mentioning of "magic skittles" (you can really taste the rainbow now--magic is true). The mentioning of the wrong drug, and most enjoyable : the fact the children took 2 pills of a non-DXM containing product, and got a trip off the DXM.


12-23-2003, 09:43 PM
lol, yah nitin, I noticed that too. I was reading this earlier today, in school ironicaly... good ol' google news, I guess.

Anyway, this is extremely dissapointing for numberous reasons.

12-24-2003, 12:31 AM
if they only took 2 pills and they werent ccc then how could they get into trouble??

12-24-2003, 02:22 AM
there is no reason for CCC now since I assume the only reason they use it is lack of education and pills are ez to use

robogels are cheaper and safer

12-24-2003, 12:11 PM
Yes, but most of the younger stupid morons I personaly know that are dumb enough to use CCCs even after I would tell them and explain to them the problems associated with them were also the ones who would give two shits about price and steal them.

Now, most schools do have a zero tolerence policy. For example that asprin thing is in most schools handbooks. For example, I know my highschool alrthough it does not enforce the rule, has a rule on the books taht any medication must be administired by the nurse, and that a doctors -- not a parents -- note must be presented.

This is a load of bullshit if you ask me. I'd be interested to see where this caes goes, rfg will this be one you stay on top of, I sure hope so.

12-24-2003, 08:13 PM
The investigation revealed that a ninth grade female student brought 13 capsules of Coricidin D

Which, to my knowledge, does not contain DXM.

Two ninth-grade students took two pills each

Which is most likely the correct dosage.

The investigation revealed that a ninth grade female student brought 13 capsules of Coricidin D, a non-prescription and over the counter cold medication, to school for the purpose of misuse...

And how do they come to this conclusion?

12-24-2003, 09:10 PM
I am seriously considering emailing the editor. Unless if a more respectable member of this community would like to do this. But this article obviously needs to be followed up, corrected, picked apart, murdered, etc..

12-24-2003, 09:26 PM

that's funny...they even fucked up and got the shitty kind...oooh yeah I forgot ALL ccc is shitty :parinoid:

stick to tha syrup :chug:

12-25-2003, 04:39 PM
disgusting reporting....its so funny how coricidin-d doesn't even have any dxm, and like other people said, 2 pills is probably the right dosage...ugh idiots :crazy:

12-29-2003, 05:02 PM
From: "Nancy Smallwood" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book
To: "'Me" <myemailadress>
Subject: RE: Factual Errors
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 10:15:22 -0500

the information on the drug came from the school system information
specialist. in our deadline time we simply printed the information as
In the future we will contact a drug specialist. your letter has been
forwarded to the school system information specialist, they were the
who titled the drug magic skittles.

-----Original Message-----
From: my name [mailto:my email]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 3:18 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Factual Errors

Mrs. Smallwood,

In your article "Teachers tip leads to drug
investigation", you say that Coricidin D contains
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, which it does not.
Coricidin Cold and Cough does, however, and is
commonly abused, although this isn't what the girls
took. Two pills of Coricidin D will do nothing more
than alleviate a few flu symptoms. Also, nobody has
ever said "Magic Skittles". That's just silly.

- Rich MyName.