View Full Version : Dxm Related Death In Sweeden
08-23-2003, 02:37 PM
VERY Rough Translation (by PeoplesMind) :
Title : Police Warn A Fresh Drug Solicitation
In {Nyköping?}, a youth and orphan in healing died from a fatal preparation of DXM he bought over the internet, it's first victim many known using cities (where the drug is circulated). His friend found him and called police. The police don't know weather DXM is illegal or the internet shops are illegal. According to the internet, the drug is reported to be like escasty, a good dance drug, and as if it were LSD, provoke hallucinations. If DXM is mixed with alcohol and {pharmasucitcals?}, it is more likly to cause death. On Tuesday, a 23-year old died from a mix of DXM with {chum in an sommarstuga?}. ~"We have not encountered this drug before" says Lars Pack, an {?} in {Nyköping?}, Sweeden. ~"Many youth are expirementing with drugs, and finding DXM." No reports of the drug have been made in Sweden before but there have been international warnings.
Read Article (in Swedish) : (
08-23-2003, 02:38 PM
Notes : sorry for the extremely bad translation, i dont speak and i have no knowledge of how the language is constructed so i just used a hand dictionary... took me 30mins too heh.
08-23-2003, 03:49 PM
Here i also found a map of where exacly the city is in Sweden:
08-23-2003, 09:41 PM
nice work bro. dxm related deaths seem to be on the rise :shake:
08-24-2003, 02:06 PM
Thanks dude. I'm beating the bushes right now for a translator fluent in Swedish. I'm guessing that first death (the "orphan in healing") may involve pure DXM powder, because they are mentioning the Internet. The second death of that 23 year old apparently involved another drug. And if this news report is correct, there must be some really bad information about DXM on Swedish language drug sites. DXM is like Ecstasy and a good dance drug? No English language DXM website worth mentioning says that about it. The only part that is right is that it DXM is like LSD, by which they just meant "is a psychedelic drug."
08-25-2003, 04:44 AM
The misinformation is sad, so are the deaths.
I'm pleased to see that RFG is a member, what a surprise!
I'd say welcome but, you've been a member longer than I have. B)
08-25-2003, 01:58 PM
08-25-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by weezersublime420@Aug 25 2003, 11:58 AM
Doesn't have Swedish. No Sites have a Swedish translator, plus those are often inaccurate and i'd rahter do it by hand (perhaps pick up a few words)
anyway this is RFGDXM's Alternative translation...
Author: rfgdxm
Date: 08-25-03 08:04
Someone just supplied me with an independent translation. Below is
that one, plus the other, paragraph by paragraph. Pretty much the same.
Curious that this news report indeed uses the term "this shit" to refer
to DXM. Goes along with the wholly inaccurate "nerve poison" part, and
shows an anti-drug bias.
According to a source, likely the person who died obtained pure DXM
powder from a chemical supplier which I won't reveal here. Looks like
Lars Ask of Social Services found my website. "But on international web
pages they have warned for one death after another around the world..."
I'm the only one that documents DXM deaths. Unless there is a follow-up
story, the full details may not be known. Apparently they are assuming
what the friend who was with him is true. Which is that the deceased and
his friend were taking DXM, possibly with other drugs. That's all kinds
of vague.
> Dateline 23 August 2003
> Headline: Police warn of new drug
> Social Services and the police in Nyköping warns youth and parents
> in Sweden of a new life threatening substance, DXM, which now seems
> to have claimed it's first sacrifice, a 23-year old man from the town.
The social care and the police in Nykoping warns youth and parents in
the whole of Sweden about a new lethal preparation, DXM, which seems
to have claimed its first victim, a 23 year old from the city.
> The substance is a nerve poison which is sold on the Internet, and
> young people are tricked to believe it has the same effects as
> Ecstasy, which is elation and energy to dance all night.
The preparation is a nerve toxic sold on Internet, and youth are
swindled that it has the same effect as the rave drug ectasy, namely the
energy rewarding elatedness which makes youth lasting through a whole
night of dancing.
> DXM however does not have this effect; it's a hallucinogenic drug
> which, just like LSD, can cause difficult hallucinations. If DXM is
> mixed with alcohol or other psychoactive drugs it has a poisonous
> effect which can lead to a quick death. This is probably what
> happened to a 23-year old man from Nyköping on Monday night. The
> 23-year old took the substance with a friend in a weekend cottage
> outside Nyköping. On Tuesday morning the 23-year old was found
> lifeless, and his friend called the police. When the police arrived
> they could just state that the 23-year old was dead.
However, DXM does not have that effect but is a hallucinogenus drug,
which like LSD can cause severe hallucinations. If DXM also is used
together with alcohol and psychotropic drugs, it has a high toxic effect
which can quickly cause death.
It was probably what happened to a 23 year old man from Nykoping during
the night to Tuesday (19 August). The 23 year old took the preparation
together with a friend in their summer cottage outside Nykoping. On the
Tuesday morning, the 23 year old was lifeless, and his friend contacted
the police. When the police arrived to the cottage, they could only
acknowledge the death of the 23 year old.
> He and his friend had ordered DXM from the Internet. It was the
> deceased 23-year old which had the knowledge of Internet and
> communicating with others who obtained the substance. For our part, in
> the Social Services, this is news. We have never encountered this drug
> before. But on international Internet pages there have been warnings
> about deaths caused by DXM, says Lars Ask.
- He and his friend had ordered DXM on Internet. It was the deceased
23 year old who had the knowledge to surf on Internet, communicate
with others and get in touch with the preparation. This is news to
us in the social care. We have not found this preparation before.
But on international web pages they have warned for one death after
another around the world, says Lars Ask, manager for the social
care abuse unit in Nyköping.
> This is a worrying development on the drug-front; if DXM is spread
> among young people it could have devastating effects. Many young
> people are experimenting with new drugs and new kinds of substances,
> and there are a lot of unscrupulous producers that sells this kind of
> shit and tricks unsuspecting young people to buy it.
- This is a very alarming development on the drug front. If DXM would
spread among youth it could get devastating effects. Many youth have
a propensity to experiment with new drugs and new preparations, and
there are lots of unscrupulous producers who are selling this shit
to unsuspicious youth, says Lars Ask.
My "Beginner's Guide to DXM"- Version 2.4,
and other DXM related material can be accessed from there.
he posted on a public forum, hence it's public domain. All credit goes to RFG for the better translation.
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